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Sessions 4-7 (Core)


Session 4: find the mid-line

"The goal of the 4th hour is to lengthen the medial line". (Ida P Rolf)  Very often adductors adhere pelvic floor muscles and sink into the pelvis, which "crooks" the legs.  To adjust relationship between them will lead to make the pelvis horizontal and lengthen the mid-line ranging from inner heel, coccyx to cervix.    Incontinence, back and neck pain sufferers will get remarkable benefit from this session.  Often people will experience emotional extremes after this session.  Our body does not distinguish emotional agony from physical one. It can occur that emotional trauma embedded deeply into the tissue would surface to release the frozen energy when addressed.

Session 5: walk from lumber

"The main issue of Structural Integration is to get enough length for the quadratus lumborum, 12th rib, psoas..." (Ida P Rolf)   In this session the main focus is psoas and visceral space to create space in front of the spine.  If psoas is free and adjoin visceras move freely and smoothly, we expand in every movement.  The psychological implication of this session is support and orientation."The main issue of Structural Integration is to get enough length for the quadratus lumborum, 12th rib, psoas..." (Ida P Rolf)   In this session the main focus is psoas and visceral space to create space in front of the spine.  If psoas is free and adjoin visceras move freely and smoothly, we expand in every movement.  The psychological implication of this session is support and orientation.

Session 6: articulate the back

The goal of the 6th session is to articulate the back: to make the sacrum respond to breathing and walking.  We encourage continuity from heels to occiput so that heels support the pelvis all the way up to spine.   For those of having chronic back, shoulder and neck pain this session will benefit greatly; often the stiffness in hips causes much suffering in back, shoulder and neck.  Sometimes this session is divided into two parts depending on your situation.

Session 7: put the head onto the body

The goal of the 7th is "freeing the head from the jungle of the body" (Hubert Godard) or to lengthen and expand the core axis.  There is no more important hour than the 7th, because every session is heading here.  By relating head to sacrum through the spine, the dura can awake and find the "sky-hook", and at this moment gravity starts to flow.  If you are a yoga practitioner you may experience the supreme bliss of aligning sushumna nadi.  During this session we work inside the mouth and nose, which would become your unique experiences.

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Takami Kamata

Bleibiskopfstr. 61 61440 Oberursel Germany


Tel: 0171 3822469



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